Almost 100 professionals of the building sector and delegates of public administrations and SMEs participated, in person or online, to the bilingual workshop “GPP4build – COME GESTIRE, ELABORARE E REALIZZARE UN PROGETTO CONFORME AI CAM EDILIZIA / WIE EIN PROJEKT UNTER EINHALTUNG DER MINDESTUMWELTKRITERIEN GEPLANT, GELEITET UND AUSGEFÜHRT WIRD” organized on November 11th and 12th at the Bozen Messe by the Agenzia CasaClima – KlimaHaus Agentur and our group at the Free University of Bozen-Bolzano as part of the dissemination activities of the interreg project GPP4Build.
With eng. Anna Maria Atzeri (Agenzia CasaClima), arch. Paola Moschini (MacroDesignStudio), arch. Andrea Mercusa and dr. Alessandro Manzardo (University of Padova), we talked about Minimum Environmental Criteria for Buildings according to the current Italian law, discussing practical examples and presenting guidelines to support professionals, SMEs and public administrations in the green public procurement for buildings.

Former UNIBZ student awarded by AICARR
On October 29, AiCARR honoured the four best Italian Master Degree Theses on energy efficiency. Claudia Fiabane, former student at the Master Degree in Energy Engineering of the Free Universit of Bozen-Bolzan, was awarded for her thesis, titled “Numerical Characterization of the Thermal Performance of an Innovative HVAC Emission System“.
In her thesis, Claudia studied a new concept of HVAC emission system, exploring the impact of different geometrical and operative configurations on both exchanged heat and system efficiency, using analytical models and advanced CFD numerical simulations. She adopted a multi-scale approach, analysing first the basic heat transfer mechanisms in the heat exchanger, i.e., the core of the system, then the whole device, and, eventually, its performance in a case-study room.
Claudia developed this research in the framework of an internship funded by Enolgas Bonomi SpA under the supervision by prof. Andrea Gasparella, prof. Massimiliano Renzi and dr. Giovanni Pernigotto.

GPP4Build: Green Public Procurement Training for SMEs, Public Administrations and Professionals in the Building Sector.
On June 17th and 18th, almost 100 SMEs and professionals of the building sector have been trained on Green Public Procurement for Buildings in the framework of the 2-day bilingual workshop (–6-3035.html), organized by the partners of the GPP4Build project (Agenzia CasaClima – KlimaHaus Agentur, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, University of Padova, Fachhochschule Salzburg, ITG – Innovationsservice für Salzburg and APE FVG).
We talked about GPP in the EU, in Austria and in Italy, focusing on EPD, Minimum Environmental Criteria for Buildings, as well as on the supply chains of timber and concrete for buildings.

Lezione dell’Ing. Carlotta Dolzani (CasaClima) al corso “Applicazioni delle norme sull’efficienza energetica in edilizia”
Al corso “Applicazioni delle norme sull’efficienza energetica in edilizia” (Laurea in Ingegneria Industriale Meccanica e Laurea in Ingegneria del Legno della Libera Università di Bolzano, a cui partecipa anche una classe V dell’ITCAT Andrea e Pietro Delai di Bolzano), abbiamo avuto il piacere di ospitare l’intervento dell’ing. Carlotta Dolzani dell’Agenzia CasaClima, che ci ha descritto metodi e soluzioni concrete per migliorare la qualità e le prestazioni energetiche dell’ambiente costruito. Si è parlato oggi di metodi numerici avanzati per la verifica della prestazione termoigrometrica dei componenti dell’involucro edilizio), di soluzioni innovative per la progettazione di nuovi edifici ad alte prestazioni energetiche e di come riqualificare il parco edilizio esistente sfruttando gli incentivi del superbonus 110%.

The paper “Studio dell’impatto della conducibilità termica variabile sulla performance termica di pareti in legno” is now published
We are pleased to announce our contribution in the Issue 74 of the “neo-Eubios” scientific journal of the ANIT association (Associazione Nazionale per l’Isolamento Termico e acustico). The paper with title “Studio dell’impatto della conducibilità termica variabile sulla performance termica di pareti in legno” is now published online in the Italian version. It is the outcome of a fruitful cooperation between the Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, the University of Trento (Prof. Paolo Baggio) and ANIT (Eng. Giorgio Galbusera). You can find it online at the following link:

Change is in the air! Il cambiamento è nell’aria!
The Free University of Bozen-Bolzano is a partner of “Il cambiamento è nell’aria”, a project that aims to develop a training path that allows students to acquire scientific knowledge, technical skills, and awareness of the environmental quality of classrooms. The project, promoted by Agorà Activities, saw the participation of UNIBZ, IUAV University of Venice, University of Trento, University of Padua, ENEA and IIS Margherita Hack of Morlupo (Rome).
An in-depth experimental campaign conducted in the classrooms of the IIS Hack has brought to light interesting considerations regarding indoor environmental conditions, students’ satisfaction and behavior. The main findings are summarized in the report “CHE ARIA TIRA NELLE SCUOLE? RIPENSARE E TRASFORMARE I LUOGHI DELLA FORMAZIONE” (in Italian), which can be downloaded at this link.

Teaching programme on Green Public Procurement for Buildings – Conclusion of the first three modules
On the 15th of September 2020 we have concluded the first three modules of the teaching programme offered by the Building Physics group of the Free University of Bozen-Bolzano to train the personnel of Agenzia CasaClima – KlimaHaus Agentur and APE – Friuli Venezia Giulia, who will be part of the pioneer “Competence Centers” on Green Public Procurement for Buildings (Italy-Austria Interreg Project GPP4Build). In the past two weeks, we presented the state-of-the-art of public procurement and green public procurement in the European Union, in Italy and in South Tyrol, discussed the Minimum Environmental Criteria (CAM) for Buildings according to the DM 11 October 2017 and had an overview of several Building Rating Systems. Special thanks go to Arch. Paola Moschini (Macro Design Studio), who has given today a very interesting speech about the LEED, WELL, BREEAM and ITACA Building Rating Systems, compared in detailed to the DM 11 October 2017 CAM.
Teaching programme on Green Public Procurement for Buildings
On the 8th and 9th of September 2020, the Building Physics group of the Free University of Bozen-Bolzano has started the teaching programme aimed at training the personnel of Agenzia CasaClima – KlimaHaus Agentur and APE – Friuli Venezia Giulia who will be part of the pioneer “Competence Centers” on Green Public Procurement for Buildings, as planned in the Italy-Austria Interreg Project GPP4Build.
The first lessons have dealt on public procurement and green public procurement in the European Union and in Italy, and hosted a speech by Dr Gianluca Nettis (Stazione Unica Appaltante Servizi e Forniture of the Autonomous Province of Bozen-Bolzano), who has given an overview of the state of the art of Green Public Procurement in South Tyrol.

The proceedings of BSA 2019 are available for download
The proceedings of the Building Simulation Application conference BSA 2019 have just been published and are available for download here. The proceedings of the past editions of the BSA conference can be found at the following link:

Newton landed in Bolzano
The Thermal Manikin Newton has just arrived. A two-days training session was delivered providing an overview on all the functionalities of the system. Newton is fully equipped with surface temperature sensors and it can breath, walk and sweat!

Laureato UNIBZ in Ingegneria Energetica vincitore del Premio Tesi di Laurea AIMAG 2020
Federico Battini, laureato lo scorso 2019 alla Laurea Magistrale in Ingegneria Energetica della Facoltà di Scienze e Tecnologie e attualmente dottorando del PhD Programme in Sustainable Energy and Technologies della medesima facoltà, si è classificato primo al “Premio Tesi di Laurea AIMAG 2020”.
In occasione del 50° anniversario dalla sua fondazione, AIMAG, un’azienda multi-utility della provincia di Modena, ha deciso di premiare gli studenti originari del proprio territorio che si sono rivelati particolarmente meritevoli nell’ambito del loro percorso di studi universitario. Ha dunque istituito il “Premio Tesi di laurea AIMAG 2020”, volto a fornire un riconoscimenti ai laureati magistrali che abbiano discusso tesi dal carattere innovativo ed incentrate sui temi dell’energia, dell’ambiente, dell’acqua, delle fonti rinnovabili o dell’economia circolare.
Federico Battini, nella sua tesi dal titolo “Urban Modelling Application to Building Districts: Opportunities and Limitations”, ha confrontato e integrato approcci differenti per lo sviluppo di un modello in grado di prevedere il fabbisogno di energia termica di un piccolo quartiere della città di Bolzano. “Mi ha fatto molto piacere avere avuto la possibilità di partecipare al bando e aver vinto il premio è un riconoscimento in più per il lavoro. Per questo devo ringraziare il prof. Gasparella e il dr. Pernigotto per il supporto e l’aiuto datomi nello sviluppo del mio lavoro di tesi”, afferma Battini.

The Building Physics Research Group